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Women's Weekend in Mohican

Katie Johnstone

Updated: Mar 15, 2020

This past November we held our first weekend trip. We were unsure how many women would sign up - the cabin booked in two days!

Six women came for the weekend, and six more joined us for fishing Saturday! We had women from Kentucky, Cincinnati, Columbus, and Cleveland. It was great to have women from all over the state attend.

A few women in the group were new to fly fishing. We buddied up and spread out to divide and conquer on different sections of the river. The morning bite was not on that day, but there was still lots of laughter, encouragement, and learning.

In the afternoon, we all came together and worked a section of the river together. This was one of our favorite parts of the trip. A couple women would be fishing a hole, while the rest of the group sat on the river bank enjoying some cold ones. It was a great time to get to know each other, exchange phone numbers for future fishing days, and hang out.

Overall, it was an incredible trip. We can't wait to start planning the next one!

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