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A Recap of our First Cincinnati Fly Fishing Meetup!

Cari Vota

Updated: Dec 10, 2020

Our first Cincinnati-area Meetup went well! The rain earlier in the afternoon left the water at Sycamore Park, near Batavia, a bit cloudy but still fishable. Eight of us met up this particular Thursday to fish together.

OWOTF is reaching a wide number of women all over Ohio. But when our Meetup only had 4 sign up, I put the word out to a few, well really a lot of my women friends in Buckeye United Fly Fisher (BUFF) to come fish with me. Even those that couldn’t make the night wrote back that we need to find a time to fish together soon! Those that could signed up. A few of us met early and had time to catch up. Because I knew the park had a shelter, I planned drinks and snacks after so no one felt they had to leave quickly because of darkness or miss a

chance to chat. A few of us knew each other while the rest now have new friends.

We fished Sycamore Park on the East Fork of the Little Miami River. It is a major tributary of the LMR with a drainage area of thousands of acres. This day it was running low and slow. This is the time of year is best for warm water species so we hunted bass! With the cloudiness, most of us went heavy, swinging Clousers and the like. We were able to get a few small fish and the one big one ‘that got away’ taking the Clouser with it!

It was dark when we all left the park. We will do this again, somewhere.

The next meetup in Cincinnati is set for September 17. More information can be found here.

-Cari Vota

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